RGB to HEX Color Converter

Color Picker
Hex Color
RGB Color

What is RGB Color?

RGB color is a combination of red, green, and blue respectively. Each color has a value between 0 and 255. Color with this combination covers the widest range of colors. eg rgb(255,0,255) For the red color, red needs to be set to the highest value ie. 255, and green and blue to lowest to 0. rgb(255,0,0) For green color, green needs to be set to the highest value ie. 255, and red and blue to the lowest to 0. rgb(0,255,0)

What is Hex Color?

Hex color is a combination of red, green, and blue respectively. Color starts with # character and is followed by 6 digits of which each color represents 2 digits or 3 digits of which each color represents 1 digit. Each digit is in hexadecimal number and has a minimum value of '00' and a maximum of 'ff'. eg #ff00ff For blue color, blue needs to be set to the highest hexadecimal value ie. ff, and red and green to the lowest value ie. 0. #0000ff or #00f

What does RGB to Hex Color Converter do?

RGB to Hex color converter tool used to convert color from RGB to hex or hex to RGB. These color formats are mostly used in HTML and CSS. In this tool, you need to enter hex color and get RGB color, or enter RGB and get hex color, or you can also pick the color from the screen with the picker tool or choose from the color palette and get color both in hex or RGB color format.